Sarah Hudson
Sarah Hudson
Financial Mentor and Money Coach
I have worked in a number of different industries, employing staff and working with people in all different economic situations. As a mortgage broker I have come across many people who have needed help in putting a plan together to achieve their goal in owning their own home. Having also been involved in women’s networking groups for over a decade and seeing so many inspirational women working in their own businesses and many who have found themselves in financial difficulties.
As a mentor and coach, I help women to gain confidence in managing their money and achieving financial freedom through workshops and online courses and one on one mentoring.
2 dogs, 3 cats, 8 chicken, 2 guinea pigs, 2 fish, 4 children and 3 ex husbands!
What a rollercoaster of a ride my life has been.
By the time I was 27 I had been married and divorced, completed a degree in three languages, lived overseas for 2 years and backpacked on 3 continents. I had returned to Australia ready to start the next chapter, looking for the security I craved. Two children later and another divorce, I found myself a single parent, working for myself as a VA, a business I fell into out of necessity when my first born daughter was born with four holes in her heart and had open heart surgery at 12 weeks old. A year of hospital visits meant returning to work would be difficult so I started working from home and my first business was born. I worked while my girls slept, in the afternoon and at night. Working while the girls slept meant I was present for them when they were awake, small sacrifice in my eyes. I often would work till the wee hours of the morning but I didn’t mind this as it was quiet and without the phone ringing I could accomplish a lot. I was part of a VA network and got jobs from overseas where I completed tasks overnight while my clients slept and the work was ready when they awoke the next day. I was prepared to work while others slept as it was super important to me to be an active participating mum to my children. I was determined to be there for my girls through the day as my mum had been for me.
I am proud of where I have come from and what I have achieved in what is predominantly a male industry. In finance I have brokered for six years now, 24years since selling my domestic business and I get the most satisfaction out of finding solutions for people and helping them achieve their financial goals and dreams. But I’m not done yet! There is so much more to do; so many people to assist; to show them that they too can have a life of financial freedom, of choices. My dream is to share my experiences and teach others how to live their best life. My dream is to change women’s lives, to empower women to be strong and successful in managing their money and understanding their impact on the economy, to show women that by achieving their own financial independence, they can prepare their children, the next generation to have confidence in their own financial literacy and have better lives knowing that they have choices.
Where do I find the time I hear you say. I could never do what you do some of you are thinking. When do I have time for myself?
In 2020 I had 2 weeks in Vietnam, another 2 on a camping trip with my sisters in the Kimberleys, another 2 weeks touring New Zealand’s South Island with my twins. I took up golf and am trying to play as often as I can – maybe once a fortnight; I have a monthly massage, nails done fortnightly, I belong to a women’s spirit circle who meet monthly; run a women’s networking chapter, am home everyday when my kids get home from school and have rarely missed one of their sporting games or performances in whatever they do. 2021 was supposed to deliver a life changing trip to Europe and the UK but Covid put a stop to that. My life is rich and full but I wouldn’t have it any other way – if I can do it, so can you! Maybe you don’t want what I want, but there is always a why and you just need to dare to dream. Join with me and I’ll show you the way to be free of financial stress and in control of your future.